In this AllCall, we heard on-the-ground fire response and mutual aid updates from Los Angeles County. Over 200 animals placed in foster homes over the last week at LA Animal Services. More than 1000 animals to date reunited with guardians through combined efforts at Pasadena Humane. Field officers setting up feeding stations and traps for animals still in evacuation zones.
“I have been both heartbroken and overwhelmed with gratitude during this whole crisis,” Kim Burbank, Pasadena Humane philanthropy manager, said. “It has been amazing to see not only our community, but the world come together to support our communities across LA.”

“It almost gives me goosebumps how much everybody has reached out to us and helped us,” LA Animal Services’ Jennifer Curiel said. She shared that field officers are also coming together to help animals in fire zones, from koi fish to tortoises and even a bobcat. (Photo: LA Animal Services)
Terryl Daluz, founder and president of Loving Paws Inc., was one of many who joined the call to offer support and gratitude as communities care for displaced pets and people.
“We were in the middle of the blackout and said, ‘How can we help?’ Losing electricity doesn’t compare to people losing their homes.”
Loving Paws is fundraising for a mobile van so they can meet people where they are; in the meantime, they can offer free baths, grooming, and limited boarding at their locations in Sylmar and Van Nuys—and, if needed, anywhere they have access to running water with their portable tub. Know of anyone else offering discounted or free grooming or boarding? Fill out this form for Pasadena Humane.
The full All Call resource list includes shelters’ suggestions for pitching in as well as grants, food banks, housing help, and other forms of support from organizations like HEART LA, Best Friends, betterTogether Forever, Greater Good Charities, The Little Lion Foundation, and more. In partnership with Patitas y Palabras, Cal for All Animals continues to offer translation support for shelters in the LA area and across the state.
In the aftermath of the first sparks of fire, one Pasadena Humane volunteer noted, there have been moments of hope, ones we create together. It takes a village to repair, reunite, and rebuild. The fires have shown us that our village extends far beyond LA’s 88 cities and unincorporated areas; it’s strong, big-hearted, and ready to act.