Collaborative approaches and creative solutions
We can reject norms that divide us and build bridges in place of barriers. When an outdated practice, unfair policy, or oversized fee doesn’t support pets and people together, we can change it. In this series of four dynamic roundtable conversations, frontline workers leading change across California and the country will highlight collaborative approaches to removing barriers that come between people and pets and dish on creative solutions they’re implementing now to ensure pets spend more nights at home, not in the shelter.

Our fourth and final More Pets and People Together Roundtable was filled with Return to Home ideas and wins, from welcoming community members as Pet Pals and Pet Detectives to sharing Chameleon-generated Found Pet flyers.

At our third roundtable, Donell Randolph, Kristen Hassen, Lori Weise, and Rita Ortiz explored how we can better support people and pets in the community at every level.

In this roundtable, panelists share high-impact initiatives, from culturally competent translations to humane education programming that honors the diversity of the human-animal bond.

From streamlining the adoption process to save staff time, improve adopters’ experience and increase positive outcomes by 300% (with no increase in returns!), to introducing innovative programming that welcomes community members and promotes fear-free, connection-driven culture among shelter teams, your peers from California and beyond share what they’ve learned.